Saturday, September 24, 2016

Most Dangerous Person On The Planet Today: Hillary Clinton


by Tyler Durden

Zero Hedge / 2016-09-23 21:43

Submitted by Michael Shedlock via,

On Monday, Hillary Clinton accused Donald Trump of giving "aid and comfort" to Islamic terrorists, and that terrorists use his rhetoric to recruit fighters.

On fighting terrorism, she chastised Trump "I Know How to Do This".

"I'm the only candidate in this race who's been part of the hard decisions to take terrorists off the battlefield. I have sat at that table in the Situation Room," said Clinton.

Here's my counterclaim: Hillary Clinton not only sponsors terrorism, she is a terrorist.

I sent this as an Op-Ed to the New York Times. Rejected as expected.

Irony of the Year

The irony of the day, week, month and year is Hillary's statement "I Know How to Do This".

  • Hillary supported Bush's inane war in Iraq.
  • Hillary supported Bush's inane war in Afghanistan.
  • Hillary was the mastermind of US failed strategy in Libya.
  • Hillary is the single person most responsible for Benghazi.
  • Hillary supports president Obama's drone policy.
  • There has never been a war Hillary did not support.

The most surefire way to make a terrorist out of a non-terrorist is to kill an innocent child or bomb an innocent person's home. Doing so is sure to radicalize friends and family.

String of US Terrorism

There is nothing more un-American or unconstitutional than bombing other countries indiscriminately with no declaration of war, and with little or no regard to the lives of innocent victims.

Hillary Clinton supported those policies as Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton, like George Bush, like Dick Cheney, and like president Obama are all guilty of terrorism.

If you disagree, please put yourself in the shoes of a mother whose 4-year old daughter was "accidentally" killed by a US drone. Envision your neighbor's house "accidentally" blown to smithereens by drones.

Is it not terrorism because it's an accident? What practical difference does it make?

In the eyes of the families of innocent victims, no words better describe such actions than "US terrorism". I guarantee that is precisely how you would feel if it was your son or daughter killed, or it was your house blown up.

On April 23, 2015 the New York Times reported Drone Strikes Reveal Uncomfortable Truth: U.S. Is Often Unsure About Who Will Die.

"Mr. Obama and his top aides have repeatedly promised greater openness about the drone program but have never really delivered on it," said the Times, quoting Rachel Stohl, of the Stimson Center, a Washington research institute.

On October 20, 2015, the Huffington Post reported Nearly 90 Percent Of People Killed In Recent Drone Strikes Were Not The Target.

"U.S. drone strikes have killed scores of civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia," said the article, emphasis mine.

US Policy Radicalizes Terrorists

How many terrorists did the US radicalize in the process?

How many innocent civilians died? How much compensation did the US pay? Sorry, that's classified information.

Given US drone policy, it's a wonder there has not been more terrorists incidents in the US. One surefire way to have more incidents in the US is to accept Obama's plan to take in 65,000 Syrian refugees.

Hillary Promises More of the Same

Hillary's refugee policies would ensure we would have more terrorist attacks in the US.

Globally, her statements prove she will continue the disastrous, counterproductive, and illegal policies of the Bush and Obama administration.

Logically speaking, Hillary Clinton is the biggest threat to world peace and the most dangerous person on the planet.

That's what I will take with me to the election booth on November 8. What about you?


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